Bad Open Waters

Dive No.: 1989
Dive Site: Koko Craters, Oahu, Hawaii
Max Depth: 38ft/11m
Total Time: 36 mins

Air: 200bar – 140 bar
Mix: EANx36
Tank: 80cu
Weight: 8lbs

Visibility: 80ft/24m
Water: 75F/24C
Exposure: Rash Guard, 5mm full wet suit, 3mm skull cap


What better way to start off an Open Water course than with a super-chill turtle cruising with the group for the first ten minutes? This particular turtle looked so relaxed cruising in the mild current and let my divers approach him within mere feet. I was even able to swim underneath him inverted and gently blow bubbles against him belly without him minding in the least. There were also a handful of snake eels, lizardfish, and pufferfish to point out to my students.

On another note, a basic reminder of Diver’s Etiquette: if you are guiding a dive group, do NOT swim your group through the middle of mine. It’s rude, stupid, and very likely to result in divers from each group getting mixed up. Common courtesy, folks.

Dive No.: 1990
Dive Site: Alex’s Reef, Oahu, Hawaii
Max Depth: 40ft/12m
Total Time: 29 mins

Air: 200bar – 150 bar
Mix: EANx36
Tank: 80cu
Weight: 8lbs

Visibility: 40ft/12m
Water: 75F/24C
Exposure: Rash Guard, 5mm full wet suit, 3mm skull cap


Mostly a session with my students knocking out their required PADI skills, we at least managed to see one fat moray peeking out from beneath a rocky crevice. Viz was pretty low, so mostly we were treated to the urchin-filled fields that typify the shallows of Oahu.

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