First Hawaii Class

Dive No.: 1981
Dive Site: Turtle Canyon, Oahu, Hawaii
Max Depth: 38ft/11m
Total Time: 38mins

Air: 200bar – 140 bar
Mix: air
Tank: 80cu
Weight: 8lbs

Visibility: 30ft/10m
Water: 75F/24C
Exposure: Rash Guard, 5mm full wet suit, 3mm skull cap


My first Discover Scuba Dive on Oahu. Michael from Germany did a great job with the skills and dived like a natural; one of the easiest DSDs I’ve ever taught. Viz wasn’t great, but we managed to spot a big turtle right off the bat. Lots of slender cornetfish in this area.

Dive No.: 1982
Dive Site: Kokomo Craters, Oahu, Hawaii
Max Depth: 35ft/11m
Total Time: 42mins

Air: 140bar – 80 bar
Mix: air
Tank: 80cu
Weight: 8lbs

Visibility: 80ft/24m
Water: 75F/24C
Exposure: Rash Guard, 5mm full wet suit, 3mm skull cap


A second dive for Michael’s DSD under much better conditions. The easy site is marked by three large craters within swimming distance of each other. The first crater had three Hawaiian turtles hiding under the ledge, and another two turtles joined us over the course of the dive. Jana pointed out a small leaf scorpionfish and helped me get my bearings on this popular site.

2 Responses to “First Hawaii Class”

  • #1

    I feel as if I missed something. Are you living there now? Teaching or just took a DSD class out for fun?

  • #2

    Yup, I’m living in Oahu now. I came out here about a month ago to see what it was like, found both a programming and a diving job, and moved to Kailua. I’ll be back on Roatan later this year for a bit to collect the rest of my stuff, catch up with all my friends, and do some killer diving.

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