Flatworms Everywhere
Dive No.: 1993
Dive Site: Hawaii Loa, Oahu, Hawaii
Max Depth: 40ft/12m
Total Time: 26 mins
Air: 200bar – 140 bar
Mix: EANx36
Tank: 80cu
Weight: 8lbs
Visibility: 80ft/24m
Water: 75F/24C
Exposure: Rash Guard, 5mm full wet suit, 3mm skull cap
Flatworms everywhere! In my brief time swimming the perimeter of the crater at Hawaii Loa, I spotted half a dozen beautifully colored divided flatworms. Fish life, particularly schools sergeant majors, was noticeably abundant. Several spotted eels poked their heads out from from the coral mounds surrounding the site. Unfortunately, my Open Water students were a bit too nervous to stretch out the dive, so I had to leave this flatworm-infested site prematurely.
Dive No.: 1994
Dive Site: Koko Craters, Oahu, Hawaii
Max Depth: 40ft/12m
Total Time: 41 mins
Air: 200bar – 110 bar
Mix: EANx36
Tank: 80cu
Weight: 8lbs
Visibility: 130ft/40m
Water: 75F/24C
Exposure: Rash Guard, 5mm full wet suit, 3mm skull cap
A return to this classic Open Water training site brought everyone’s favorite crowd-pleaser: two super chill turtles cruising in the gentle current. We also found a cleverly-hidden bright yellow frogfish, a well-disguised plumed scorpionfish, two free-swimming eels, and a clumsy porcupinefish.