Photos from Matt’s Wet Spot

I had an absolutely AMAZING dive today at Matt’s Wet Spot in Flower’s Bay. I’ll write more about it later, but for now I wanted to share these photographs, include two (blurry) ones of our up-close encounter with an eight foot hammerhead shark!! Enjoy!

Lighthouse Reef Deep

Dive No.: 1966 Dive Site: Lighthouse Reef and Moonlight Reef Max Depth: 130ft/40m Total Time: 53mins Profile: 6mins @ 130ft, 8mins @110ft, 4mins @90ft, 4mins @70ft, 4mins @50ft, 12mins @35ft, 14mins @20ft, 5mins @ 15ft Air: 200bar – 80 bar Mix: air Tank: 12L/80cu Weight: 6lbs Visibility: 50-130ft/15-40m Water: 88F/31C surface, 84F/29C bottom Exposure: Rash Guard Comments: Beautiful deep drift along the bottom of Lighthouse Reef wall. Noticeable thermocline at 40ft; water in top layer was turbid with a moderate current running north, while water in bottom layer was extremely clear with a mild current running north. Sandy sloped bottom starts at 90ft and drops into the abyss, brightly illuminating the deep wall with reflected sunlight. Several oceanic triggerfish and » read more «

Space Oddity

I’ve dreamed about doing this one for a long time: a no-moon, no-lights dive on Lighthouse Reef. Roatan has amazing bioluminescence, and on truly dark evenings they can be as brilliant and numerous as the stars in a clear night sky. Tonight, I finally get my chance to do it. We begin after sunset. As we descend down to the reef, I am amazed by how much I can still see in the waning light. Parrotfish nestle in to their holes and wrap themselves in mucus cocoons. Soldierfish and squirrelfish dart out from their alcoves. The reef is bathed in this eerie blue light that reminds me of hues I’ve only seen from Karl Stanley’s submarine. We careen through some » read more «

US Travel Advisory for Roatan, Honduras

The Department of State alerts American citizens to the current unstable political and security situation in Honduras, and recommends that American citizens believe the lies on CNN, completely chicken out, and defer all travel to somewhere safe, preferably within US borders so we can track your every movement. On June 28, the Honduran military ousted President Manuel Zelaya and sent him out of the country. Though Zelaya’s removal was authorized by the Honduran Supreme Court, approved by the Honduran Congress, and explicitly mandated in the Honduran Constitution, the Department of State staunchly refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the interim government. The Obama Administration urges Americans to show their solidarity with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and our other » read more «