Danger: Invading Lionfish

They’re here!!! Lionfish, the beautiful and venomous fish from the South Pacific, have appeared on Roatan. This invasive species has spread at unprecedented rates across the Caribbean and Eastern Atlantic over the last few years. The Roatan Marine Park is asking for everyone’s help in reporting, capturing, and killing lionfish around Roatan. If you have seen a lionfish on one of Roatan’s dive sites, please submit a lionfish report directly to the Roatan Marine Park.

Roatan Marine Park Map

Click here to explore a map of the Roatan Marine Park dive sites! I’ve been developing the new website for the Roatan Marine Park (coming soon to http://www.roatanmarinepark.com), and a big part of the site is the interactive map of all the dive sites around Roatan. Explore the dive sites around Roatan! Powered by Google maps and TIREngine, you can zoom in on beautiful satellite imagery of the dive sites surrounding Roatan’s incredible coral reef system. Click on any site to learn more information, or use the drop-down box above the pull up a full dive site description. Have you seen some lionfish? Know of a damaged or missing dive site mooring? The map is integrated with the Roatan Marine » read more «

All Quiet on the West End Front

Welcome back to surreality! This is just a quick update to explain my lack of updates over the last week. It’s not that I haven’t had material to write about. I have, and that is the problem. For those eager for the next update in the adventures of TheScubaGeek, I offer this list of events in my life. Each of these items warrants a proper follow-up article (and I swear I’ll get them done), but for now, this is the best I can manage at 1am on Honduran highspeed…. Pete found a juvenile lionfish at 38ft near Dixie’s Place. We captured the bugger and brought him to the surface, where he survived for three days on a diet of rum » read more «